Legacy game tools



Grungifier_product_imageAdd detail and atmosphere to your game without adding any performance or memory overhead:

  • Breaks up the monotony of repeating textures
  • No additional geometry
  • Details conform to irregular geometry
  • Virtually no additional memory usage as grunge details are stored in the existing lightmaps
  • Can render in a single pass, meaning less fillrate and draw calls compared to other methods of adding detail, such as decals



Creating GUIs for Unity has never been easier.  EZ GUI features:


  • GUI controls whose appearance and behavior can be fully customized.
  • Editor-based tools for creating menus and wizards with little to no code.
  • Built-in transition system for applying many kinds of animation and easing effects for controls and menus.
  • Seamless and effortless integration with Sprite Manager 2 to add sprite animation to any sprite-based EZ GUI control.



SpriteManager 2 makes working with sprite-based graphics in Unity a breeze. Among its most powerful features are:icon

  • Automatic sprite atlas generation
  • Drag-and-drop animation building
  • Visual interface using the inspector
  • Automatic pixel-perfect sprite sizing
  • Support for using non-uniformly sized sprites